Newspaper ads
Advertorials, newspaper ads
Promote SolarSquare as a top-notch home solar provider across the country with attention-grabbing newspaper ads. Increase brand recognition, attract leads, and achieve conversions.
In narrowing down the top 4-5 priority Indian states and markets for SolarSquare, I engaged with field agents to construct personas for customers residing in these regions. I determined language preferences, professional backgrounds, and demographics; helping me create targeted ads.
Tailored ads with specific emphasis on unique selling propositions (USPs) for distinct customer segments were crafted. In Lucknow, where SolarSquare faced low brand awareness and limited knowledge about solar, I developed an advertorial. This piece addressed and resolved key questions surrounding home solar, seamlessly integrating brand messaging to elevate awareness in the city.
Recognizing concerns about the cost of transitioning to solar in Jabalpur, we strategically addressed this issue in our ads. Specifically, we incorporated a table highlighting SolarSquare's ingenious EMI financing plans, showcasing how the brand made the switch to solar not only affordable but also minimized the customer's upfront investment, bringing it close to zero.